
de reducción del vello

en sólo 12 semanas


4 semanas



de reducción del vello

en sólo 12 semanas


4 semanas

Tecnología de vanguardia,

fácil de usar.




PVP 299€

Funciones avanzadas,

resultados inigualables.

Nuestro dispositivo más pequeño. Diseñado para ofrecer resultados inigualables y una experiencia de usuario sencilla y fácil.

Adaptador de precisión



Tecnología Smart Skin Sensing



Sistema de contacto con la piel de 4 puntos



Filtro UV



Flashes Ilimitados



2 Modalidades de Comfort





Adaptador de precisión patentado,

para tratar zonas pequeñas con facilidad

Sensores exclusivos de contacto con la piel,

para una seguridad avanzada

Dos modos de confort,

para adaptarse a sus necesidades

Filtro UV avanzado,

diseñado para proteger su piel

Sencillo pero versátil

todo en uno

Un tratamiento de tiempo completo

en tan solo 10 minutos

*A niveles comparables the energia

Nuestra tecnololgia 

Sistema Energético de alto control,

Para doble velocidad y doble poder.

Nuestra potencia y velocidad inigualables se deben a nuestra óptica de eficacia innovadora, a nuestra electrónica de alta potencia y a nuestro sistema patentado de refrigeración de aire.

Enfriamiento de Aire Activo,

para no utilizar aditamentos extra.

Conseguir una alta potencia de forma segura es extremadamente complejo, por lo que los dispositivos SmoothSkin incorporan nuestra tecnología patentada Active Air Cooling Technology para garantizar la seguridad de la piel en todo momento.

El aire frío entra por los orificios de ventilación y circula por la lámpara y el interior del aparato. El aire caliente se expulsa a través del tubo de escape, evitando que el aparato y la piel se sobrecalienten.

Skin tone

Tecnología patentada inteligente
Skin Sensing Technology,

para mejores resultados
personalizados, seguros y duraderos.

La tecnología patentada SmoothSkin mide continuamente el tono único de tu piel más de 80 veces por segundo, ofrece tratamientos personalizados, adaptados automáticamente al tono de piel.

Tecnología patentada inteligente
Skin Sensing Technology,

para mejores resultados
personalizados, seguros y duraderos.

La tecnología patentada SmoothSkin mide continuamente el tono único de tu piel más de 80 veces por segundo, ofrece tratamientos personalizados, adaptados automáticamente al tono de piel.

*Evaluado en un estudio clínico realizado a partir de dos zonas corporales (parte inferior de la pierna y axila) – los resultados individuales pueden variar

Tecnología de Seguridad Incomparable

Smoothskin ofrece la tecnología IPL más potente y segura del mercado. Nuestros dispositivos incorporan funciones de seguridad pioneras para proteger su piel y sus ojos en todo momento y ofrecerle la máxima tranquilidad.

Filtro UV de vanguardia que cuida tu piel

Al impedir que la luz nociva llegue a la piel con un filtro UV de cristal de 3mm.

La tecnología patentada Smart Skin Sensing protege tu piel

Mediante la lectura continua de su tono de piel único y el ajuste automático de la energía en consecuencia, la entrega de la salida de energía más segura y eficaz para usted

Los sensores de contacto con la piel de 4 puntos protegen tus ojos

Al comprobar automáticamente el contacto correcto con la piel y parpadear sólo si está en contacto directo con la zona de tratamiento, se elimina la necesidad de gafas protectoras.

Hasta el 97% del vello

en 12 semanas*

*Evaluado en un estudio clínico realizado en múltiples zonas del cuerpo (pantorrilla, axilas y rostro) en tonos de piel I-V. Los resultados individuales pueden variar. El estudio fue revisado por un Comité Ético Independiente (The Cosmetics Research Ethics Committee Ltd) y se concedió la aprobación ética para la investigación clínica.

Experimenta resultados con estándar de un salón de belleza

desde la comodidad de tu hogar

Rated 4.9 out of 5
4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 19 reviews)
Very good5%

Easy & effective home hair removal

Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 15, 2022

My wife had been toying with the idea of getting laser hair removal for her bikini area for a while now, but there are no salons nearby offering that service and driving an hour one way for an appointment every week was not a commitment she was willing to make.

Enter SmoothSkin. It is astounding to see how well it works! The instructions are very easy to understand, the device is easy to use, and the results are amazing.

The recommended treatment course is 12 weeks and she has been using it for 6. By the third week she could already tell a difference in the smoothness of her skin after shaving. Where she had previously been prone to irritation, bumps, and ingrown hairs, she is now able to eliminate after shave products completely and experience no irritation. There is considerably less hair growth than before, and what is still growing is much more fine than before.

It’s important to follow the directions for use. Exfoliating and shaving the area beforehand is a must!

She described the experience as being similar to the shock of static discharge after walking on carpet, only in a more sensitive area. Definitely worth it for the results she is getting!

Overall, she’s exceptionally pleased with this product and would unconditionally recommend it for anyone who is tired of shaving and wants a more permanent solution for hair removal.


Seems to work

Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 15, 2022

It takes time to get results, but it seems to work so far. I love that it’s corded so I don’t have to worry about charging it. It’s nice and compact and is easy to maneuver. Even though this doesn’t have all the features and settings of other models, it still seems to have enough and it’s smaller, so I prefer this one over the slightly more expensive ones that are bigger.

Mr Double U

Almost hairless

Rated 4.0 out of 5
December 15, 2022

Smoothskin Mini IPL hair remover does what it says. Instructions are clear and easy to understand. Comes with 2 comfort modes and three intensity levels for sensitive areas and more stubborn thicker hair and an attachment for precision it comes in handy for smaller spots. It has an automatic detection for skin tone so it measure what light level is needed. I am covered in tattoos so I did try it first on a small part of a leg tattoo that could easy be fixed if it damaged the color of it but had no issues using it on them. I love the compact size but I do wish it was wireless so I could use it anywhere in a more convenient comfortable spot in my house rather then plugged in the cord is long enough but that’s just me prefer cordless. I started with my armpits and bikini area once a week as directed those spots have the thicker hair on my body I noticed the difference of less hair growth in about 3 weeks but feel like if you had more thick corse hair it will take longer, I’ve shaved my armpits less often the hair also that grows back is thinner I hope eventually I won’t have to shave at all yay! I did my legs which the hair is very thin it takes about maybe 15-20 mins to do both legs entirely I’ve seen the difference with hair growth much more in a few weeks some spots hair has not grown back at all I do rub vitamin E oil on my legs and other areas on my body about 30 mins after to soothe my skin although it’s nothing like waxing no skin irritation at all. I’ve been very pleased with the Smoothskin brand. I high recommend if you don’t want to keep paying to go have it done or for in between sessions.


Impressed so far! Painless

Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 13, 2022

I was a little skeptical about this product, and also a little nervous to try an at home laser hair removal product. I am really happy I took the chance though because this one actually delivers. At first glance this seems very pricey, but you get what you pay for. I don’t think I’d want to skimp out and go with a lesser quality item or a brand I wasn’t familiar with. I’ve only been using this laser for a couple of weeks now, but I can already see a difference on my legs. I decided to start with just bottom half of my legs just in case I had any issues with skin discoloration- I am olive undertone, but I’d say light and not medium/dark olive. You’ll want to be sure to avoid this product if your skin tone matches any of the colors they mention on listing- they are very specific about what skin tones should not use this.

Directions are easy. You feel a light tingle, but overall this is a painless process. I would definitely recommend.


Works well and doesn't hurt!

Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 13, 2022

I got this product for my wife and she loves it. She’s used it once a week for the past six weeks. The first use of the SmoothSkin Mini took about ten minutes. The device got fairly warm and had a faint odor from use. Nothing too terrible, just noticeable. And no zapping pain like other devices she’s tried – which has been extreme in some instances. Major, major benefit here. Plus, it covers a large area in a single path even though positioning the Mini can be a little tricky at times. Second treatment, no odor and did not get nearly as warm. No skin discomfort at all. Took less than ten minutes. More importantly, she noticed a visible reduction in hair growth even at this early stage. Third treatment, no discomfort, warm in a few areas and the process became easier to manage. Significant reduction in hair growth on all treated areas, but especially on underarms and legs. Week four, almost no hair growth at all! She also noticed that the device might be getting a little warm at times because she was accidentally covering the fan on the Mini with her thumb. Weeks five and six: again, almost no growth and could probably get by without using it. The instruction manual recommends continuing through twelve weeks, as hairs on different parts of the body grow at different rates. That may not be completely necessary here, but all in all that’s a good problem to have.

While the fact it’s corded may bother some, the fact that it’s not going to run out of batteries is a bonus. Also, note that the whole thing is VERY bright when on. You will want to look away. Take the safety precautions in the manual serious! (Including the stuff about not using it on tattoos/darkly pigmented places.)

All in all, very satisfied with the SmoothSkin Mini. The lack of pain in the process can’t be overstated. That’s a real barrier for a device like this for some folks and it’s a non-issue here.



¿Con qué frecuencia tengo que usar mi SmoothSkin Pure Mini?

Para aprovechar al máximo tu SmoothSkin Pure Mini, recomendamos usar el dispositivo una vez a la semana durante 12 semanas seguidas. Después del régimen de tratamiento inicial, puedes pasar a tratamientos de mantenimiento, generalmente una vez cada 2 a 4 semanas.

¿Cómo funciona el sensor de tono de piel?

Nuestro exclusivo sensor Smart Skin ofrece automáticamente tratamientos óptimos y seguros adaptados a su tono de piel. Cuando los sensores del tono de la piel se colocan en el área de tratamiento, la luz azul emitida por los sensores se refleja en la piel. Luego, el dispositivo no solo detecta que tu piel es apropiada para el tratamiento, sino que también adapta la energía suministrada a tu tono de piel, para maximizar sus resultados de manera segura.

¿Cuánto dura el dispositivo SmoothSkin Pure Mini?

SmoothSkin Pure Mini cuenta con flashes ilimitados para que nunca te quedes sin él.

¿Para qué sirve cada modo de confort?

El modo de energía es el modo predeterminado cuando el dispositivo está encendido. Es el modo más potente, para tratamientos rápidos y eficaces.

El modo suave es ideal para usar en áreas más sensibles. Operar el dispositivo en modo suave reducirá la potencia de salida y notará que los indicadores de la barra de energía se iluminan menos cuando se aplica a la piel.

¿Por qué utilizar el accesorio de cabezal de precisión?

SmoothSkin Pure Mini viene con un cabezal de precisión desmontable que es perfecto para áreas más pequeñas y difíciles (como el labio superior, las espinillas, los dedos de las manos y de los pies).